Saturday 16 August 2008

Napkin photos!

I spent this morning hanging out at the local guild meeting, hemming napkins. I have now hemmed 3.5 of 6, and hope to finish the rest off tonight.

And then, when I got home I remembered I was supposed to take photos. And so, without any further ado, here they are:

The "right" side:

Close up showing the diamonds in a (possibly) slightly less eye-watering way:

And with a folded corner to show the pattern on the back:

Not sure what the next project is - I've got too many things I want to try, choosing one is kind of tricky. (Actually, I think my next project might be to build a warping board - there's a limit to how much I can do on my inkle loom...)

1 comment:

Cherri said...

Your napkins are wonderful!