Friday, 15 January 2016

Sooooo tired

The last couple of nights have been exhausting, Anthony has been having some rough breathing, and today the doctor diagnosed him with bronchiolitis. Supposedly it is worst around day 2-3, so fingers crossed he is on the mend now.

Somehow this has resulted in me actually updating some knitting pattern related stuff. I'm not quite sure how that works, but when I need a break from tired menaces because I'm tired too then I put something on the TV (hooray for Bob the Builder!) and escape to do a bit of computer stuff. Yesterday I got the pattern it feels like I've been working on forever sent off for editing, and today I updated my knitting pattern page here and also updated the pattern listings at LoveKnitting. I hadn't bothered before, because (amongst other things) it didn't seem to be particularly effective for me, but I discovered after importing the newer patterns from ravelry that I actually sold a pattern there earlier this month! I guess it really is about being in the right place at the right time.

I have also just realised that I should add some links to other social media. I have started playing on Instagram, and to a lesser extent Twitter. Links should go directly to my feed, otherwise I am StringHerder in both places. (Twitter mostly gets links from instagram, or chat with friends). If you're out there and I haven't found you yet, let me know!

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